Please…say what you need to say

15 04 2008

Please read this message, not for blog stats or ego reasons….but in hopes to change your life and the lives around you. I was watching a video by John Mayer entitled, “Say“. It is one of the most powerful songs I have ever heard and videos I have ever seen. I will be using it for youth group, maybe during an emergent worship style setting. To often God tells us to do or say something to someone that could change their lives….instead we back down. I think of Bible illustrations, such as Moses saying no to God when confronted about Pharoah. If he didn’t say what he needed to say, that nation would have continued to be in slavery. Now fast-forward to our day and time. I’ll go with my own life here. The reason why I am a youth pastor, and dedicate the majority of my time with teenagers is because I need to tell them how much God loves them by my words and actions. That means even when they are the cause of me taking 4 Advil after a youth service, I still need to be there to show them who God is. Why is it we are so scarred to tell people who God is? I am a youth pastor, but there are times when even I stumble/mumble/get scarred when I need to witness. This is a dying generation if they aren’t told! If my mentors never told me truth, no matter what the outcome, I would be hurting right now. “Even if your hands are shaking and your faith is broken, even as the eyes are closing, do it with your heart wide open” WOW, now that’s powerful. What if we said what we needed to say to our neighbors, our co-workers, our family, the lady at the grocery store in front of you in the pasta isle, and even the guy who sits on the pew behind you. I ask you. I beg you. I hold you accountable…to say what you need to say. Not a hour from now, not next week, or next “good timing”….but pick up the phone/computer/etc and say what you need to say. Maybe it’s encouragement or maybe it’s just to say hello…or maybe to share Jesus, but say what you need to say. “Have no fear for giving in, have no fear for giving over, you better know in the end, it’s better to say to much then never to say what you need to say again”