What do you mean, I’m not cool?!

28 04 2008

Satan works extremely hard trying to convince us that we will never be good enough, smart enough, skinny enough, strong enough, manly enough, sexy enough, rich enough, or popular enough. That is the truth isn’t it? I bust my rear trying to put together the best youth group service a kid could imagine. I go to the gym and work out for 2hrs trying to look like my idol, Hulk Hogan. I read the various magazines to keep up with what the youth are listening to and watching. I try to memorize random stuff to prove that I have a brain. I watch my carbs (kind of) in attempt to wear the size of jeans I wore in high school (notice I said size & not stylen). I want to be the popular guy on campus. Then I read, Galatians 1:10 “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be  a servant of Christ”. OUCH!!!! So I learn from that verse that it’s ok to work on a great youth service, try to be physically fit, keep up with the culture, and everything else…but I do it to please God and not man. LOL, now that’s easy to write…harder to live out! I think you can agree, that’s something we all need to work on! Check out this video from dcTalk, it’s a classic: Jesus Freaks. What if we did just live to please God?